Welcome to Project PGZ

You are about to discover a new horizon to videogames, this is PGZ a little project made by twelve students from a spanish university.

The original idea was to make a procedural generator of games like the famous nes Zelda, an intepreter to play this games and an editor to be able to change the different worlds created by the generator. After much effort and a whole year of work we have finished our project, or nearly.

We had to abandon the editor because we lacked time to finish our work, but the generator and the interpreter were made, and for free because we needed it we also made an engine as a base for our work.

A major part of the project is made in C++, but we also have some parts in Prolog and C#.

The project is far from finished, some algorithms can be improved or remade to create better worlds, and there may be some crashes from time to time, but it can be considered a full Beta.

We are also proud to say that the engine is fully functional and error proof.

Without further delay we present you PGZ:

Generator and Interpreter .exe

Generator and Interpreter source code repository

Engine source code repository